Ban Divorce in California!

I mean, if Californians are serious about protecting marriage, why stop at banning gay marriage?

An activist calls their bluff with a satirical initiative campaign that just might get on the ballot.

And the ad is funny.

2 Comments for “Ban Divorce in California!”

  1. posted by jpeckjr on

    We need more than just banning divorce to prove we take marriage seriously. Since “traditional” marriage is also about having babies (not having sex for fun, but for a purpose), any married couple who after three years of being married has not had a baby (and thus cannot prove they had sex for a purpose) will have their marriage automatically annulled! Even if the woman is beyond child-bearing age. Even if the couple is physiologically unable to have children. No exceptions! If you can’t have children, you should not be allowed to get married in the first place. Opposite gender couples who don’t want or can’t have children will just have to live together without being married.

  2. posted by george on

    that is a terrific ad, and it hits home quite well, plus it’s funny.

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