‘Tear Down This Closet!’

Over at Newsweek.com, IGF contributor Jamie Kirchick points out that the appointment, in Germany, of the world's first openly gay foreign minister presents a historic opportunity to embarrass the world's leading homophobes.

After he takes the helm of the Foreign Ministry, [Guido] Westerwelle ought to kick off his tenure with a tour of the world's most homophobic nations, speaking about the horrific ways in which these regimes treat their gay citizens.

Or, failing that, just raising the issue would make a difference. "Hillary Clinton and her predecessors Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice have given great rhetorical and symbolic force to the cause of female equality during their tenures." Let's hope for the same symbolic advocacy from Westerwelle.

3 Comments for “‘Tear Down This Closet!’”

  1. posted by David Link on

    Given the strong nexus between female equality and gay equality, I’d like to see Hilary accompany him on the tour.

  2. posted by Bobby on

    What female equality? Females already have equality! Hell, they have more than equality since a woman can lie to a man, get pregnant by him, and then force him to pay child support.

    According to feminist logic, a woman can have an abortion without her partners consent, BUT, if she chooses to have the baby then the man is responsible. Hello? Does that seem logical to you?

    Gays have enough problems without adding feminism to their list of causes.

  3. posted by libero on

    Great, maybe he can kick off his civilizing tour in the USA

    Maybe Obama would make him eat in the kitchen though

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