Tailwinds…and Tail-Covering

Don't miss Ryan Sager's post (especially the graphs) on the chasm between younger and older people on gay marriage. Citing a new paper by academics Jeffrey Lax and Justin Phillips, he sez:

If people over 65 in each state made the laws, zero states would have gay marriage; if people under 30 made the laws, 38 states would have gay marriage.

Also must-read: In the Chicago Tribune, Steve Chapman wonders why the same folks who predict social catastrophe if gay marriage is allowed refuse to make specific, testable predictions.

I have a strong suspicion that both sides of the debate are right. The supporters of same-sex marriage are right in predicting that it will have no bad side effects. And the opponents are right not to make predictions.

One Comment for “Tailwinds…and Tail-Covering”

  1. posted by John Howard on

    I often wonder why Jonathan Rauch has never acknowledged the existence of my argument against same-sex marriage, and never addressed my proposed solution that achieves equal protections including federal recognition.

    Actually, I don’t really wonder, I know it is because he recognizes that he’d have to admit that his position is that A) same-sex couples should be allowed to attempt to conceive together, and B) that married couples do not have a special protected right to attempt to conceive together. It’s smart to ignore me, if the alternative is to reveal how radical and scary and ridiculous your actual position is.

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