Only 52 years late, the U.S. government has officially apologized to Dr. Frank Kameny, the gay-rights pioneer, for firing him from his federal job because he was gay. The Washington Blade has an account of what must have been a deeply touching ceremony. And Dale Carpenter has Frank's characteristically mischievous reaction:
I am looking forward to receipt of a check for 52 years of back pay, which I can well use.
But, more seriously, in a phrase that I've used in a related connection recently, all this is like a story-book ending where all issues are resolved. I'm usually not very emotional, but I haven't really come back down to ground yet in all of this.
This just a week after Frank received a tribute from President Obama himself. After signing an executive order granting some partner benefits to federal employees, the president handed the pen to Frank.
Now in his 80s, Frank is blessed to see the turn events have taken-a turn he has done so much to bring about. And we are blessed to be witnesses.
3 Comments for “‘Apology Accepted’”
posted by Bobby on
Democrats are masters when it comes to symbolic gestures, an apology here, a gay pride proclamation there, domestic partnerships (without health insurance for federal workers. Nothing but bread and circuses, how roman of our Emperor in the White House. Hail, Obama!
posted by Clay on
Obama’s gestures, while insufficient, beat the hell out of Bush’s support for the anti-gay, anti-family Federal Marriage Amendment. How about a small note of congratulation for Dr. Kameny, a tireless fighter for our civil rights, He’s a better man than I am (and certainly than Bobby is).
posted by Richard J. Rosendall on
Bobby, do you truly not understand that Obama did not have the authority to grant the health insurance coverage, which requires action by Congress? You may find that your haste in passing such harsh judgment is a tad premature. In any case, those of us who are working for change will press ahead despite the potshots of knowitalls from the sidelines. And today, meanwhile, HHS took another step toward finishing the regulatory changes to end the HIV immigration ban. But of course that’s not instant Nirvana, so mock, mock away. How proud your mother must be.