But Credit Where Credit is Due

To my skepticism below, though, I need to add a note of thanks to the administration. Someone had the good sense to invite Frank Kameny to the White House for yesterday's ceremony, and give him the President's signing pen. This explicit and public step toward equality is what Frank has been fighting administrations for since he was fired from his job as an astronmer in 1957 because he was gay.

Frank is one of the superstars of gay history, and the White House got it exactly right in making sure he was there. When they finally finish the job, they should invite him back.

(Thanks to Jon Rauch for pointing this out)

4 Comments for “But Credit Where Credit is Due”

  1. posted by Glenn I on

    May he live that long.

    And have healthy happy years after.

  2. posted by jpeckjr on

    David, thanks for identifying Mr. Kameny. I wondered who the gentleman was to whom the President gave the pen. He is one of our heroes in the struggle for equality.

  3. posted by Richard J. Rosendall on

    It was moving to watch that scene. After five decades, Frank (who remains active in DC’s Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance) was one happy guy as the President turned and handed him the pen. It isn’t the repeal of DADT, to be sure, and though Frank is 84 he intends to be around when that happens.

  4. posted by Clay on

    No one better deserves that signing pen.

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