Waiting for Barack

Andrew Sullivan, onetime Obama mega-fan, has credibility when he ticks off the reasons for disappointment with the President's apparent reluctance to move ahead, not just on some or most gay issues, but on every gay issue.

He might have added the Obama Administration's underwhelming support for AIDS programs, detailed here by Bob Roehr. Money quote:

President Barack Obama has proposed a trickle of new money for HIV in his fiscal year 2010 budget released May 7. That is far short of keeping pace with the growing demand for already inadequate services. ... The budget may have been the straw that broke the camel's back of the AIDS community's optimism about the new administration.

Unlike some, I've always seen Obama as a talented politician first and foremost, and so it's no surprise to see him behave politically. Two combat engagements and the most dangerous economic crisis since 1929 are not the time to put social issues on the front burner, and now he has that awkward business about torture to deal with. Even I, however, expected something, if only to show he's Mr. Change.

At least we can savor White House spokesman Robert Gibbs's effort to non-explain why Obama doesn't suspend the military's discharges of gay Arabic linguists.

6 Comments for “Waiting for Barack”

  1. posted by Bobby on

    Did Sullivan ever gave Bush credit for spending way more on AIDS (in America and Africa) than all his predecessors combined? No.

    Sullivan is a player. When it was cool to be a gay republican, he played that card, then when it wasn’t cool to be any republican, he turned against the GOP and supported Obama, and now he’s turning against Obama just to keep things interesting.

    I’m not buying it.

    And seriously, all these years in America and he’s still not a citizen? Maybe he’d be better off deported back to England, if he doesn’t like America he can go back to his socialist utopia and enjoy the free health care with high taxes.

  2. posted by Jorge on

    At least we can savor White House spokesman Robert Gibbs’s effort to non-explain why Obama doesn’t suspend the military’s discharges of gay Arabic linguists.

    That analogy the reporter highlighted is not the one I would have chosen first… but why stop there? Obama’s refusal to act on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is pure hypocrisy with every national security or “morality” decision on he makes.

  3. posted by Rob on

    Did Sullivan ever gave Bush credit for spending way more on AIDS (in America and Africa) than all his predecessors combined? No.

    Why would he, considering that 33% of the aid was required to go to abstinence-until-marriage programs and that money ended up to some of the most antigay organizations? Another fail for Dubya.

  4. posted by Mark F. on

    Hysterical! Obama proposes even more tax money for AIDS and liberals complain that it’s not enough. Despite the fact that AIDS still gets much more funding per person impacted than any other disease. More, more, more, always more tax money needed!

  5. posted by Zendo Deb on

    Funny, I never saw Obama as anything but a Chicago-machine hack. He was never Daley’s lieutenant, but he worked for the machine often enough when he was in the Illinois assembly.

    Why do you think he managed to get that sweetheart real estate deal from Tony Rezko? (Where he bought a 2million dollar house for a million 2, and the vacant lot next door was turned into de facto parkland? It wasn’t for his fine moral character. (He IS a Chicago politician…)

  6. posted by Cathy on

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