We hear a lot about the virtues of traditional marriage from the right. But in South Carolina, the right is now candidly admitting that violence, too, is a longstanding heterosexual tradition -- and one that should also be protected from The Homosexuals.
South Carolina legislators introduced a bill to prevent violence in teen relationships, but when someone mentioned that the bill should include gay teens as well as straight ones, the legislature balked. The bill's sponsor, Rep. Joan Brody said, "Traditional domestic violence occurs in a man-woman, boy-girl situation."
That's what South Carolina stands for: traditional marriage and traditional domestic violence.
4 Comments for “Tradition!”
posted by Jorge on
I’m not sure I understand the whole process of a state passing a law to fund a specific anti-violence program in the first place. Sounds like pork-barrel stuff to me. So it serves them right to have this blow up in their faces.
posted by Carl Hendrickson on
As my partner of 27 years and husband of 2 says: “Good! Keep it up!”
In the struggle to enlighten heterosexual and to gain equality for homosexuals it’s often the hate-filled that scoot things along.
posted by Bobby on
I agree, you can increase the penalties for violence without mentioning categories like sexual orientation instead of this pork-barrel stuff. This bill was unnecessary no matter whom it benefits.
posted by Craig2 on
Far be it from me to suggest that conservative Christians and their quaintly polarised kitschy blue and pink gender roles have anything to do with “traditional” domestic violence…
Wellington, NZ