Connecticut has just codified its (already court-ordered) gay marriage with significant religious liberty provisions attached. Vermont did the same thing just days ago. So we can now say that coupling gay marriage with opt-outs based on religious conscience is a trend, if not a movement.
IGFer Dale Carpenter is guardedly positive about this development. Put me down as enthusiastic. What's being demonstrated here is that an Armageddon-like conflict between gay rights and religious rights not only can but will be averted. Indeed, is a win for both gay equality and religious freedom, and it douses the culture wars into the bargain. That's hitting the Trifecta.
In this article, I argue that America is getting gay marriage right by steering a moderate and incrementalist path forward, despite the best efforts of culture warriors and purists to conspire against the center. Vermont and Connecticut are more evidence that this is true.
BTW: IGF is proud to welcome Dale Carpenter as a blogger. He's so smart that every time I read him I think, "Thank God he's on our side."