Everybody's probably got the news that Vermont became the first state to adopt same-sex marriage through the legislative process. For those keeping track, California's legislature passed it twice, but our Governor vetoed the bills. Interestingly, so did Vermont's governor, but their legislature overrode the veto. Way to go!
This is remarkable for all the obvious reasons: it was passed by the people's repesentatives, by a wide margin, and without being under court compulsion. I am simply amazed.
But I'm also a bit peeved. I'd hoped California would be the first to do this. Now, the only landmark left for us is to be the first state to have the voters, themselves, adopt same-sex marriage directly. This is going to be a challenge, but we Calfornians are up to it!
6 Comments for “Vermont”
posted by esurience on
This is so fantastically awesome.
posted by TS on
The first non-counterproductive gay marriage in the US!
Vermont always was one of the cooler states in the union. All that new england individualism…
posted by esurience on
I am elated. I have just come back from a pizza and beer celebration!
If we don’t grow overconfident from this historic victory and carry on the hard fight, I am hopeful that we have reached a tipping point where all news will be good news. And that’s a good thing. For too long the news has been bad at worst, and mixed at best. Progress may not come as fast as we’d like, but we’ve got a little momentum on our side now, and we might just have a shot of always moving forward, never backward, if we keep on keeping on.
posted by Jorge on
They WHAT???
Well, don’t always believe low expectations. I’ll try harder in my state, too.
posted by Rob on
Some of the extra ‘yay’ votes for the override were probably an alternative way of telling the governor to ‘shove it’ for announcing the use of veto before the law was finalized. You can bet your arse that the loons like NDT & Co will still say that it underminded the will of the people, blah, blah, blah.
It’s still great news though.
posted by David Link on
Rob, I think technically those are “Aye” votes, but I’m definitely in your camp in thinking they should be called “Yay!” votes.