If you have a taste for how amoral political campaigns can be, you have to read Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint's Passing Prop 8. They are the political consultants who ran the Yes on 8 campaign.
The article is, of course, very self-serving, but don't hold that against it, since that's the ocean these characters swim in -- if you don't bang your own drum in the political consulting world, you can't complain that no one heard you. It's David Mamet's world, they just populate it.
What is most poignant, though, is that you will not find any moral judgment in the article -- for or against same-sex marriage. Every victory, every setback described is tactical. It's a military debriefing, dissecting how a battle was won.
For those of us to whom the very heart of same-sex marriage is moral (and I include people on the right as well), it is good, I think, to step back and see how cold and empty the world looks to people who lack that capacity.
It's also good to see them confirm that 40% of their funding came from Mormons.