Read to the bottom of this New York Times story for a revealing tidbit. The Brits bar entry of a Dutch politician and provocateur on grounds that he offends Muslims. Yet they have admitted "several Muslim clerics from Arab countries with a history of inflammatory statements on terrorism, women's rights and homosexuality." Increasingly this seems to be the pattern in Europe. Fear, rather than principle, appears to be at work, and apparently homosexuals aren't scary. But then, that's how it always is with speech restrictions.
Is It Legal to Say ‘Double-Standard’?
3 Comments for “Is It Legal to Say ‘Double-Standard’?”
posted by Regan DuCasse on
In the interest of examining or exposing the human rights violations of members of the Muslim culture, filmmakers like this are often threatened and actually killed.
The murder of filmmaker Van Gogh.
London itself has suffered several bombings at the hands of Muslim terrorists.
So is the British logic saying that if this man is censored, then the Muslims won’t be mad and won’t hurt anyone?
That makes about as much sense as censoring Ida Wells and her reporting on lynchings in the South because it would offend the Klan into committing more lynchings!
The point is not allowing any lynchings or anyone who threatens those who expose such things.
The point is denying a cultural aspect that denies BOTH free speech, criticism AND actions that endanger others and human rights in particular.
Pointing out the human rights violation isn’t a violation.
But restriction on those whose beliefs DO violate is common sense.
posted by Bobby on
Well Regan! I’m glad I agree with you. Muslims killing filmakers and politicians they don’t like is no different from what the Klan did in the 60s and before.
It’s sad how “free speech” doesn’t really exist in Europe, unless it comes from a muslim cleric.
posted by Gay News on
I think this article and the comments proceeding it so far are a bit more than one sided. The UK Government has succeeded in it’s efforts to extradite the radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri to the United States but was only stopped from doing so by the European Court of Human Rights. There’s even a government programme run by the secret service and the police which has put the entire Muslim community under surveillance yet people such as Fred Phelps (who preaches “God hates America, God hates the UK and God hates fags” ) are equally dangerous and have also been told they are not welcome in the UK by the Home Secretary.
“London itself has suffered several bombings at the hands of Muslim terrorists.”
Actually the only successful ‘terrorist attack’ on London and infact the entire UK by Muslim terrorists was what is commonly referred to as the 7/7 (7th July 2003) bombings (similar to 9/11) which attacked the transport network It was a terrible event which saw 52 people lost their lives including several Muslims. If you do a search on Google for 7/7 you’ll see the “truth” is deeper and the British public are wise to the fake war on terror or at least the hype surrounding it. Thousands more British citizens have died as a result of terrorism during the Northern-Ireland conflicts.
I agree that free speech in the UK is becoming extinct, for what reasons and for what end who can say..? Most people feel they are living in an Orwellian/Stalinist state and it’s very frightening.