Student Teachers

Columnist, philosopher, and IGF contributor John Corvino's lecture defending the morality of homosexuality was cancelled by Aquinas College, a Catholic school in Michigan. Seeking to justifying their decision, college administrators badmouthed Corvino to boot.

But students, who have an inconvenient tendency to think for themselves, hosted him anyway, moving the lecture off campus. And gave him a standing ovation. (News video here.) Kudos to Aquinas's students for delivering an object lesson to their elders.

One Comment for “Student Teachers”

  1. posted by Jorge on

    And I’m assuming that as a result, the lecture was probably held without any opposing viewpoint or debate in front of the students.

    Real smart, Aquinas College. I’m appalled at the suggestion that the college has no policy (or a “policy gap”) for dealing with speakers whose positions contradict Church teachings, but I can’t say I’m surprised.

    Actually, this is probably a good thing. If Catholic colleges, seminaries and so on train intellectually inferior Catholic leaders, they’ll be less able to advocate their opposition to homosexuality.

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