"A vote for this amendment is a vote for bigotry, pure and simple." So said Senator Ted Kennedy in response to the so-called "Marriage Protection Amendment," which defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman and preempts the right of states to interpret their own constitutions regarding marriage and civil unions. (The amendment failed on a procedural vote.)
Reaction to Kennedy's remarks was swift and predictable. "Does he really want to suggest that over half of the United States Senate is a crew of bigots?" griped Senator Orrin Hatch. Columnist Maggie Gallagher scolded, "Conducting this debate in a spirit of mutual respect and civility would be a lot easier if gay marriage advocates stopped pretending that only fear, hatred or bigotry is at the root of these disagreements."
It's tempting to respond, "But'cha ARE, Blanche. Ya ARE a bigot." Please resist the temptation for just a moment.
What is bigotry? As is often the case on controversial terms, the dictionary is of limited help here. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a bigot as "one who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ." Webster's definition is similar: "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices."
Now there must be a difference between merely disagreeing with those who differ and being "intolerant" of them. By definition, everyone disagrees with "those who differ"--that's just what it means to "differ." And everyone is presumably "devoted" to his own opinions in some sense (otherwise, why hold them?).
So it's not bigotry merely to disagree with someone: one must also be "intolerant" of those who differ. But what does that mean? That one wishes to silence them? Surely, that applies to many gay-rights opponents, who would like very much to push us back into the closet. That one is willing to use force to silence them? Surely, that's too strong a criterion. Those who believe (for example) that the races should be separated are bigots even if they stop short of advocating using police power to achieve the separation.
It seems, rather, that to call someone a bigot is at least in part to express a value judgment. It is to suggest that the bigot's views are beyond the pale. So the dictionary definition only gets half of the picture: it's not merely that the bigot doesn't tolerate those who differ, it is also that we ought not tolerate him. In a free society we should not silence him, but we should certainly shun him. Thus, to call someone a bigot is not just to say something about the bigot's views, it's to say something about your own.
Where does this leave us with respect to the marriage debate? Some opponents of marriage equality do indeed hold views worthy of the utmost contempt. Take for example the view that the government may imprison gays and lesbians for private, consensual acts of affection--a view held publicly by our own president, who endorsed anti-sodomy laws before the U.S. Supreme Court struck them down in 2003.
Or consider the view that gay partners should not be permitted to enter contracts allowing them to make health care and funeral decisions for each other--a view that will likely become part of Virginia's constitution as voters decide this November on an amendment that, among other things, prohibits recognition of "a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance, or effects of marriage." (Intolerant? Who are you calling intolerant?)
Certainly, not everyone who supports the federal marriage amendment deserves the epithet of "bigot." Many are decent folk. Some endorse civil unions while opposing full-fledged marriage. A good number base their views on sincere religious convictions. But let's also recognize that basing a view on religion doesn't exempt it from critical moral scrutiny. (Slaveholders quoted the bible too.)
Let's grant that calling people names--even ones that accurately express our convictions--is no substitute for reasoned argument. But let's also grant that, in politics, leaders often influence citizens by drawing strong rhetorical lines. Think of George W. Bush's frequent references to those who "hate freedom" in the 2004 presidential race. A fair and balanced assessment of the motives of the terrorists? Not really. Rhetorically powerful? You betcha.
Now, Kennedy didn't exactly call supporters of the amendment bigots. Rather, he called the amendment "bigotry." (It's a fine line, not unlike "love the sinner/hate the sin.") It's certainly possible for a political maneuver to be unacceptably intolerant even though some of its supporters fail to realize as much.
But in calling the amendment "bigotry," Kennedy was not merely describing it. He was also exhorting others to oppose it, in the strongest rhetorical terms. Amen to that.
7 Comments for “Bigotry? Or Disagreement?”
posted by Tonya on
The value of the term “bigot” is that it names an immoral behavior. It holds people accountable. To argue that a policy is bigoted, but that the people who advocate that policy are not, is to adopt the moral reletavism of the extreme left. We call the people behind anti-gay policies bigots because our cause is the moral one, because we are right. Those who actively oppose us are the lowest, most despicable sorts of beings. And while it may not always be politically wise to speak the truth, it does no good for us to censor it around each other.
posted by David on
If only Mr. Kennedy would devote more positive energy to this and other gay issues, perhaps gays and lesbians wouldn’t be second class citizens. It appears that he and most of the Democrats can do nothing more than react to issues proposed by Republicans. What we really need is a Democrat who will lead.
posted by Randy R. on
I agree that name calling really doesn’t help the process. It just insures that the opponats will start name calling us! Which, of course, they already do. But we should be above that.
Yes, I agree, most people who are against our rights are actual bigots. Certainly ignorant. And we are free to call them bigots in our personal conversations. But it’s our job to educate them and not just name call.
We must accept the fact, however, that no amount of education will ever enlighten some people. Some just hate us no matter what. But we have to find the middle that is willing to listen. Not easy, I admit
posted by Reid on
I’m not sure that a clinical analysis of the word “bigotry” is very useful in this context; let’s take a look at the big picture. The issue of same-sex marriage has become the symbolic centerpiece of the much broader issue of gay rights and, indeed, of the rights of any group that differs from the majority. Sen. Kennedy’s use of the word is nothing other than a rejection, in strong moral terms, of those who would relegate me to a second-class existence, or worse. Do I stand with him in his condemnation of the morally reprehensible anti-gay policies of the right-wing and its supporters? Yes, with all my heart. Am I going to worry that his sweeping condemnation of these policies may offend some of their supporters? Not on your life.
posted by Matt Sigl on
Very insightful philosophical analysis of the term “bigot.” I think it’s improtant to call a spade a spade and a bigot a bigot but perhaps if the Democrats spent more time tempering their rhetoric with forceful argument more good would be done. Still, I am beginning to doubt that foes of gay rights will listen to anybody but themselves.
posted by Kary on
Read THE END OF FAITH by Sam Harris. It will dileneate that all of this comes out of religious zealotry, bigotry, and ignorance. The problem is religion itself, not the bigotry itself.
posted by B in DC on
A bigot is as a bigot does.. a recent response to my query to my dear divorced homophobic senators from VA was met with a reply to keep it “civil” when I asked how their first (second and third) wives felt about their peservation of family values? and how my 12 yr relationship threatened theirs? I have yet to see anywhere in writing what exactly we are threatening…. I only speculate it is financial.. that somehow we will take benefits out of the increasingly dwindling “pie” so they need to protect their “slice” from us. It is indeed difficult to imagine that 15 yrs ago we were fighting for the right to drink and serve alcohol in Virginia (we won that one.. woo hoo!) and now we have progressed to this point. It took interracial couples 100 yrs to get the right to marry in VA. I’m willing to work a few more!