Here's how to handle Bill O'Reilly, while explaining to conservative America--on Fox, no less--that gay marriage hasn't harmed straight marriage in Scandinavia. Object lesson comes courtesy of Bill Eskridge and Darren Spedale and, of course, their new book on gay marriage in Europe.
Fun with Bill O’Reilly
2 Comments for “Fun with Bill O’Reilly”
posted by Mike on
Those guys did great. Bill clearly tried to rile them up by bringing up hot-button talking points but they stuck to the gameplan and just kept referring to the facts. So now Bill is for gay marriage so long as children aren’t involved. I hope their next book covers statistics of the intelligence, mental health and moral equality of adults who have been raised by gay parents.
posted by raj on
I haven’t read the book, but from the description it sounds like it is similar (although longer, of course) to Lee Badgett’s article a few years ago in Slate Lee was addressing arguments raised in several articles published by the brain dead Stanley Kurtz.