Gay Jerks Who Are Oh-So Proud of Themselves

Via the New York Post, Passenger thrown off flight after confronting Ivanka Trump:

JetBlue kicked a Brooklyn lawyer and his Hunter College professor husband off a plane at JFK on Thursday morning — after he accosted fellow passenger and future first daughter Ivanka Trump right before takeoff.

“Your father is ruining the country!” lefty lawyer and avowed Hillary Clinton supporter Dan Goldstein shouted at Trump, as she sat with her husband, Jared Kushner, and their three kids in the main cabin, TMZ reported.

Totally obnoxious virtue-signaling by the gay guys, but I’m sure they’ll be celebrated by their fellow progressives as heroes. Incivility has become a defining value of progressivism.

More. Instapundit links to a roundup of tweets about this ugly incident, including this:

Naturally, all of this would have been presented and received differently had the harassment been directed at a famous liberal woman. However, wealthy liberals don’t fly coach. They prefer to sit in first class and discuss what’s best for average Americans.

A tweet from the Daily Mail, with a retweet from the perp’s husband: “Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them.” (No mention of the small children sitting next to their parents.)

A comprehensive roudup of the incident, here.

As I’ve noted before, a Clinton staffer tasked with monitoring campaign polling wrote, post-election, in the Boston Globe, Understanding the undecided voters:

There was one moment when I saw more undecided voters shift to Trump than any other, when it all changed, when voters began to speak differently about their choice. … the conversation shifted the most during the weekend of Sept. 9, after Clinton said, “You can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.” All hell broke loose.

Clinton’s support among hard-pressed working- and lower-middle class people, in the rust belt and elsewhere, took a big hit afterward. That speech occurred, to wild applause, at an LGBT fundraiser in Manhattan where the ticket prices ranged from $1,200 to $250,000, and with many paying $50,000, according to reports.

Why do privileged LGBT progressives think that public displays of their contempt is helpful to either progressivism or to public perceptions of, you know, privileged LGBT progressives?

14 Comments for “Gay Jerks Who Are Oh-So Proud of Themselves”

  1. posted by Doug on

    Stephen, if you didn’t condemn Joe Wilson when he yelled “you lie” at Obama during the State of Union message then I respectably tell you to shut the f**k up.

    • posted by Throbert McGee on

      Stephen, if you didn’t condemn Joe Wilson when he yelled “you lie” at Obama during the State of Union message then I respectably tell you to shut the f**k up.

      Doug, in what way is yelling at the President himself comparable to yelling at one of the President’s relatives?

      • posted by Doug on

        When the relative is such an entragal part of the upcoming administration & attends meeting with foreign dignitaries etc.

        I don’t see a lot of difference between yelling at Ivanka and Carl Paladino’s comments about Obama and First Lady this morning.

        • posted by Houndentenor on

          The difference is that you’ll never read a denouncement of someone like Carl Palladino from Stephen. Or any other right-winger. Nothing conservatives do is bad. Everything liberals do is awful. Repeat ad nauseum.

  2. posted by Tom Scharbach on

    I’m glad that Stephen has found a new forum: @IndeGayForum: Twitter is almost certainly the appropriate forum for much of which has attempted to pass for serious discussion on IGF of late. Go for it Stephen.

    • posted by Tom Scharbach on

      Just for the record, I notice that Stephen has removed the @IndeGayForum tweet he earlier posted. It is hard to keep up sometimes with his unannounced revisions of his posts.

  3. posted by Walker on

    Just to clarify: are Doug and Tom DEFENDING airplane harassment of Trump’s daughter?

    • posted by Tom Scharbach on

      Just to clarify: are Doug and Tom DEFENDING airplane harassment of Trump’s daughter?

      Just to state the obvious, no.

      Just to clarify, since you didn’t mention it in your comment, are you defending torturing kittens?

      • posted by Lori Heine on

        This is truly funny, in a ghastly sort of way.

        Libertarians and conservatives, on this forum, are constantly being admonished to TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for absolutely everything anyone on the political right says or does.

        But when a leftist goes cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, and we hold you to the same standard to which you’re constantly holding us, then we’re accusing you of “torturing kittens.” We’re just absurd!

        I believe that what this blog is getting at, in this post, is that all the over-the-top propaganda they’re getting about Donald Trump has made them irrational, and that they are behaving destructively.

        Well, duh to that.

        • posted by Houndentenor on

          This was a stupid thing to do. It got them kicked off the flight. I guess they could afford to buy another ticket and had time to waste making other arrangements and traveling later. But most of us don’t have time or money for that. But this isn’t any difference from the Trump supporters doing the same sort of thing. This isn’t going to get any better. Frankly Trump’s cabinet picks have been far worse than I would have thought they’d have been. So I understand people’s frustration. Also, it’s not like they yelled at Barron Trump. He’s a kid and should be off limits. Not that Chelsea Clinton at the same age wasn’t off limits to right wingers, but that was wrong and it’s a wrong that shouldn’t be repeated by liberals. But Ivanka isn’t just his kid; she’s a part of the administration. She can be taken to task for things she says and does and even things she’s associated with. This just wasn’t the way to do it. But really, I see Trump people yelling worse every day, so I’m not going to feel bad about this. If she doesn’t want to be associated with her father’s administration she could go get a job somewhere else…something she has never done, btw.

          • posted by Lori Heine on

            Not buying that anymore. “But they do it, too,” or “they did it first,” or “they’re worse,” or whatever.

            No longer buying it. I don’t root for either team. I will work for the destruction of both.

            Therefore, I can condemn wrong behavior whenever it happens, and regardless of with team is doing it. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Period.

            This crap is beyond tiresome. A growing number of people in this country are tired of it, and we don’t give a damn which of the idiot children in the power game did what first.

            Time to flush hard. Then repeat as necessary.

            A majority of people in this country voted for neither of the two “serious contenders” rammed down our throats. And I’m done with their little minions’ lame excuses for behavior that is totally inexcusable.

  4. posted by Throbert McGee on

    Matt Lasner really deserves a punch in the nose followed by a toilet-bowl swirly followed by jeering laughter for that “BanalityOfEvil” hashtag.

    Quit trivializing Hitler by comparing Trump to Hitler, you putz.

  5. posted by Tom Scharbach on

    No longer buying it. I don’t root for either team. I will work for the destruction of both.
    Therefore, I can condemn wrong behavior whenever it happens, and regardless of with team is doing it. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Period.

    Good for you, Lori.

    But be careful about moving from “can condemn” to “do condemn”. I know a local woman (not my friend, because I was one of her targets several years ago) who searches the Internet and social media for area “homosexual activists” and doing “exposes”. She’s miserable.

    I just ignore crap like this. Stupid and boorish behavior will always be with us, and it isn’t worth comment most of the time. Politicos who live in a Twitter world don’t. They’re fools.

  6. posted by Jorge on

    I was hoping this one would sneak by this website.

    Just because a person who has a husband happens to be a man does not mean we actually have to give voice to our burning, screaming desire to shout, “I’m GAY!” from the rooftops.

    Oh, by the way, “I’m GAY!”

    I don’t see a lot of difference between yelling at Ivanka and Carl Paladino’s comments about Obama and First Lady this morning.

    There is a big difference.

    Carl Paladino was engaging in locker room banter on a radio show thousands of miles away from the White House.

    Doofus got in Ivanka Trump’s face, creating an uncomfortable situation in real time for Mrs. Trump, her family, the flight crew, and other paying customers, to the point that they had to comply with a federal law saying “Obey the flight crew’s instructions to ‘Get off the plane!'” or be arrested. I *suppose* it’s less morally skanky, but I’d have been happier if they accosted her some other way.

    A disclaimer: I happen to share Paladino’s sense of humor, although I think Wanda Sykes’s “You know she’s a tranny!” had a better delivery. The only offense Paladino did was say something bigoted publicly without being licensed as a certified comic. He should have said it in bed with his mistress like Hulk Hogan.

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