The Archbishop’s Non-Argument

New York Archbishop Dolan’s recent rant about marriage shows just how bankrupt the other side’s case is.

3 Comments for “The Archbishop’s Non-Argument”

  1. posted by Doug on

    Dolan’s rant may well be bankrupt but it still sells to far too many on the right. As long as it continues to sell change will come slowly as the fight in New York shows.

    • posted by Hunter on

      I strongly suspect that the ones Dolan is reaching are those whose minds are not going to be changed by mere facts. Most Catholics, if we are to believe the surveys, pay little or no attention to the bishops anyway. Why should anyone else, except the hardcore who are never going to make it into the 14th century anyway? (No, that’s not a typo.)

  2. posted by Tom on

    The anti-marriage forces ran out of religiously-neutral, fact-based arguments against marriage a long time ago. They are now down to moral approbation, raw appeals to fear, and circular definitional arguments about “the institution of marriage”, whatever that is supposed to mean.

    Gays and lesbians are winning Americans over to our side on the ground, little by slowly. It will take us decades to undo all the damage that the Religious-Republican coalition did in the several states during the last decade, but we’ll ultimately prevail.

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